A misuse of Expectation

This post is to demonstrate a common use of expectation that is not correct. The example is excerpted from lecture 23 of MIT6_042J by Tom Leigton. For full understanding, I recommend you watch this informative and fascinating lecture.

Example: RISC vs Z8002

Data in table 1 is from a paper by some famous professors. They wanted to demonstrate that programs on a RISC processor are generally shorted than on a Z8002 processor. They performed some benchmarks and measured the code size of a problem on the 2 processors.

P/s: Actually, Tom Leighton did not mention the source of this data. The most matched I can trace is here (a pretty long time ago).

Benchmark RISC Z8002 Z8002/RISC
E-string search 150 120 0.8
F-bit test 120 180 1.5
Ackerman 150 300 2.8
Rec 2-sort 2800 1400 0.5
Average 1.2
Table 1. Sample program lengths for benchmark problems using RISC and Z8002 compilers, with the ratio of Z8002/RISC.

A conclusion was drawn that programs on Z8002 processors were generally longer (by 20%) than on RISC processors. (*)

However, some critics of the paper took the other ratio RISC/Z8002 (instead of Z8002/RISC) on the same data.

Benchmark RISC Z8002 RISC/Z8002
E-string search 150 120 1.25
F-bit test 120 180 0.67
Ackerman 150 300 0.5
Rec 2-sort 2800 1400 2.0
Average 1.1
Table 2. Sample program lengths for benchmark problems using RISC and Z8002 compilers, with the ratio of RISC/Z8002.

Another conclusion was made in the same way that RISC processors were 10% longer on average. (**)

(*) and (**) obviously contradict each other.

What’s wrong?

The mistake lies in the way we interpret the average value 1.2. The false claim like above was:

$$ \begin{align} E(Y/X) & = 1.2 \implies E(Y) = 1.2*E(X) \hspace{5pt} & ❌ \\ E(X/Y) & = 1.1 \implies E(X) = 1.1*E(Y) & ❌ \end{align} $$

where $X, Y$ denote code size of a program on RISC and Z8002 respectively.

In fact, $E(X/Y) \neq E(X) * E(Y)$

A counterexample for this deduction:

  • $X = 1$ with prob. 1 $\implies E(X) = 1$
  • $Y = 1$ with prob. 0.5, and $Y = -1$ with prob. 0.5 $\implies E(Y) = 0$


  • $X/Y = 1$ with prob. 0.5 and $X/Y = -1$ with prob. 0.5 $\implies E(X/Y) = 0$

$$\implies E(X/Y) = 0 \neq \frac{E(X)}{E(Y)} = \frac{1}{0}$$

We have the linearity rule and product rules (if mutually independent) for expectation, but not the quotation rule.


People reason this way all the time. The ratio helps us quickly assess whether one is superior. But it somehow gets us into a logical mistake without intention. This kind of false reasoning happens requently, not only to those with non-science background.

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