Tag: cocoapods
Using Swift Packages in CocoaPods-Based Projects
1. Introduction Swift Package Manager (SwiftPM, or SPM) is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. Initially launched in 2015, it primarily catered to server-side or command-like projects. Its adoption has been limited over the years due to lack of support for the mainstream iOS/MacOS development. During this time, CocoaPods has gained its power and emerged as a dominant tool in iOS development. Not until recently has SPM been adopted widely.
Cocoapods Explained: Plugins
In the previous post, we talked about Podfile. In this post, we will look into CocoaPods plugins. Back in early days, very few maintainers maintain quite some features. It was difficult for them to stick to the main goals of the project given a number of features being requested. Some features definitely benefit a group of users but they don’t quite fit in the picture of a dependency manager. Instead of rejecting them, CocoaPods provided the support for plugins.
CocoaPods Explained: Podfile
In iOS development, CocoaPods has become one of the must-know tools. In a team where CocoaPods is adopted, engineers run pod install as often as git checkout. They know how to properly set up a project with CocoaPods, declare dependencies in Podfile, and update dependencies if needed. However, some have little understanding of what happens under the hood. This prevents them from troubleshooting CocoaPods issues if occurred or extending its usage.